Thursday, April 23, 2009

Garanimals for Adults

I'm one of those people that gets inspiration at the weirdest times. I was making my bed, after washing my sheets, and I really hate making my bed. But, I do love my sheets. I did this really eclectic thing and mixed and matched a variety of yummy sheets, blankets and pillow cases. It all works really well. So, I got a moment of pure pride that I am able to do something like buy random sheets and make it look like luxury. Which led me to think about Garanimals.

All of a sudden, my head shot up and I got that "aha" glow in my eyes. I obviously had to be hit over the head with it a million times before it really sunk in. I mean, I've had scads of clients tell me that I should do Garanimals for adults. Duh, I just wasn't listening.

How cool would it be to offer Garanimals for women...I mean, think about the possibilities. I have a fabulous pair of grey Krazy Larry pants, I put a cute Scala tank with them in hot pink and the cool black and white topper that just came in. Throw in a recycled bag, a Silk and Stone long sterling silver chain with a black Swarovski crystal and cool black wedges. No are stylin' and out the door. Imagine the tags on these things have cute little matching flowers. I group them on my website under the flowers name and anything in that group works together. Garanimals for adults!! That all ran through my head in about 20 seconds.

I quit making my bed...I hate doing it anyway, and raced upstairs to check and see if the domain name was available. It was!! Of course, I buy it. What else would I do. I own a website for every flash of inspiration.

Then a thought occurs to me. Is Garanimals still in business? Should I check on the trademark and see what's shakin'. I reluctantly google Garanimals and lo and behold there they are. They're still around and their trademark is still intact.

So, the Garanimals for Adults was a short lived dream. I'm thinking of calling it a clothing bouquet anyway!!

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