Friday, February 22, 2008

Live Like You Were Dying

Almost everyone that I know has heard the Tim McGraw song Live Like You Were Dying. If you haven't heard this song, I encourage you to watch the embedded video.

Most people don't have any idea when they will die. Would you even want to know? But, if you did, would you do things differently? I bring this up because it does have relevance to your personal style.

I'll get back to personal style in a minute. If you read my blog very often you know that I write more about your appearance and self confidence in terms of how you feel about yourself than I do about actual style tips. Every day something happens that guides what the blog will be about that day. Today I got an email from a good friend who works with a Midwest charitable organization. The video below was in her email. I encourage you to take 12 minutes and watch this video. It could very well change your life....or at least the way you live it!

I won't spend time commenting on this clip. It says everything that anyone needs to know about living. But, I do want to bring it back around to your personal style.

Every day I meet women who hate the way they look. They worry about what to wear (haven't we all been there) and what people think about them. Sometimes I meet women who are so concerned about how they look that they have forgotten to continue to live while they work on their appearance. This isn't actually all that unusual.

We've all said or heard another woman say that she will have a better life or be happy when...she loses weight, has plastic surgery, gets better clothes, gets a designer handbag. The list goes on and on. She may even be visibly unhappy...waiting for that magic thing that will change the way she feels.

Here is the hard lesson. There is no magic bullet. Nothing that you can buy (with possibly the exception of therapy) can make you a happy, confident person. Living your life, following your dreams and having fun are the things that will make you beautiful. Your personal style starts on the inside. All of the beautiful things in the world and all of the plastic surgery in the world can not make a woman beautiful on its own. She has to have a life that shines through first.

If you are in a place that feels hopeless or ugly, please take the time today to count your blessings, dream a little and give yourself a break. If you are in a good place, please take the time to count your blessings, dream a little and laugh out loud. That is where beauty begins.

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