Friday, December 14, 2007

Trend, fashion or style?

As I was leaving the massage therapist yesterday, the woman who was taking my payment said that her 18 year old daughter had asked for a "stylish" purse. We got into a conversation about what is stylish versus trendy. This is truly a thought provoking question.

When women say that they want to be "in style".....what exactly does that mean? Do they want to be in someone elses style, do they want to be in their own style or do they want to be in a style that is generally accepted by the public? Before you can even answer any of those questions, you have to define what style is.

Here is how Webster defines style: a distinctive manner of expression. Well, if it is an expression of something, then you have to consider what it is that you wish to express. We, at define style as an expression of your unique personality. We believe that style comes from within you rather than from the pages of a magazine or what is most popular in stores.

So if style is an expression of us as individuals, then what is trend or fashion? Well, the London Image Institute defines trend as something that is temporarily on the fashion scene without the adaptability to stick longer than a season or two. Think of all the things that have been around for a short time, but just didn't work for the majority of the population. For example, super skinny jeans!! They were over before too many women had a chance to embrace the trend (all I can say is...thank you!!). So a trend is in and out without to much stick ability...what is fashion?

Fashion is defined as an artistic expression. Fashion is not what the average woman will be wearing on the street. However, fashion does drive what is considered current popular style. The things that we see on a runway would make us trip over our heels and spill our Starbucks if we saw it on the street. But, we might see an adaptation of a runway image that is fantastic. Fashion is the artistic, design for what will become trends and style.

So the next time that you wonder what is in style...ask yourself this question, "What is my style?" Can't answer that question...visit (Okay, it's a shameless plug, but we really can help to answer these questions and show you what works for you!)

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