It happens to every one of us. We wake up and even though we have good intentions of having a fabulous day....we just feel blue. We try to "buck up" and put on a smile, but it feels forced. We don't want to feel down. We like feeling good. I mean, who doesn't like that tingle of excitment and that feeling of well-being when things are going your way? But, sometimes it feels out of our control. So, I try and think of things that, simply, make me happy.
Ironically, today was a day that I had an appointment with an Energy Healer. I wanted to check it out and discover what having your energy healed felt like. The questionnairre that I filled out when I went in had questions like:
"What are your hobbies/interests?"
"What are your pet peeves?" (interesting question)
"What makes you happy?"
Wow!! On the very day that I was asking myself this it was on a questionnairre!! It didn't take me long to write my answer for this one because, thankfully, I had already answered this for myself this morning.
So, here are the things that, no matter what, make me happy (A disclaimer will find no people on my list. I love my family dearly, but let's face it, our happiness should never be the responsibility of another person.):
A snuggle with my dogs...they love me no matter what.
A toffee nut, soy latte from Starbucks
A drive, on a country road, with the top down on my car
Getting my hair washed at the salon
Getting a pedicure
A really cold glass of water
A dark piece of chocolate
A fresh, clean notebook
Clean sheets
A breeze on a warm day
Think about the simple things, that you can realistically have, that make you happy. If you are having a blue day, rush right into getting something on your list. And may it bring a smile to your face and brighten your day!!
Oh!! And, energy healing? Very cool!!